witcher3-beardWhile games are extremely realistic in this day and age, what with the various kinds of advancements made in the world of coding, that bullet spread from a known weapon is a whole lot more close to how it performs in real life as opposed to just making simple calculations on the bounding boxes of a sprite, one major detail has been omitted from games such as RPGs – characters in there might need food and rest, but otherwise they look immaculate all the time even without any kind of grooming done. Not so with Witcher 3, the fantasy role-playing game, which will see a character known as Geralt, have his beard grow over time.

Yes sir, it is such a level of realism that we are talking about here. Of course, other than the fact that Geralt’s beard will grow over the course of time, developer CD Projekt also has their fair share of surprises for interested gamers. CD Projekt’s communications chief, Michał Platkow-Gilewski, shared more on Geralt’s beard, “The beard grows as time passes and when Geralt moves between locations. The beard has several “states” and these states determine its length – the longest is really long but it’s not Gandalf-long.”

Do bear in mind that it is not a lovely pair of scissors that stop the growth of Geralt’s beard, but rather the application of Witcher 3’s free Beard and Hairstyle DLC.

Filed in Gaming.. Source: eurogamer.net

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