Shopping Mall In China Has Gaming Pods For Bored Husbands

Image credit – The Paper

There has long been this stereotype that when women shop, their boyfriends or husbands are usually bored out of their minds, which has led to jokes about how certain shops could come with seats designated for bored/tired boyfriends/husbands. However it seems that over in China, there is a mall where gaming pods have been installed for husbands to wait while their wives shop.

This is according to a report from Chinese publication The Paper (via BBC) where they reported that these gaming pods were installed at the Global Harbour Mall in Shanghai. Each pod is completely see through and comes with a chair, a monitor, and a gamepad, where the people inside of it can play a variety of games for free.

At the moment it seems that the service is free, but apparently there are plans to eventually start charging for their use. There will be a QR code that users can scan and a small sum for using the service will be deducted. It is a rather novel idea, and to be fair it can be used by anyone, not just bored husbands and boyfriends.

Whether or not this will catch on remains to be seen, but what do you guys think?

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