If you happen to own an Android-powered smartphone, then chances are quite high you would also make sure your Facebook account goes with you wherever your phone travels, thanks to Facebook for Android. Well, a recent update to the software (notching it to version 1.6 in the process) has thrown in support for video uploads and viewing Pages, although several problems have also reared their ugly heads. Nice to know that some of them are easily fixable – the rest will require some time.

One of the more notable issues would be a hyperactive news feed that automatically refreshes its contents over and over. While this does not result in a whole lot of data usage, we are more concerned about the unnecessary drain on your smartphone’s battery.Assuming plenty of your friends are active, the constant stream of updates might also make it rather difficult to read through the list.

One of the best fixes at the moment would be to uninstall and perform the installation process again, which it ought to do the trick for the news feed issue, with the possibility of solving the notification problem as well.

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