It is nice to hear that companies still respect your privacy, as with the case of Verizon Wireless who recently sent a rather polite email to their subscribers that just about all the stuff that they do on their phones will be used to target them with ads. Basically, policy changes which were put into effect in October gave Verizon Wireless the power to make use of browsing history, search terms, location, app and feature usage, as well as demographic information that they purchase from other companies to run a power targeting campaign. You, however, will be able to exercise your pro-choice consumer rights by opting out by phone or Verizon’s website.

Well, I guess these days with services getting more and more integrated with one another across different platforms, we will have to take the good and the bad. Now you know why some ads seem to be so uncanny in tracking down your preferences, making you wonder whether there really is a ghost behind the shell.

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