Myriad Alien VueMyriad, the company behind Alien Dalvik (an app which lets you run Android apps on non-Android platforms i.e. on iOS) has just announced the launch of its latest offering: Alien Vue. This new technology now aims to bring Android apps over to TVs and set top boxes. While Android set top boxes such as the Logitech Revue or Sony Android TVs already have such functionality; Alien Vue, like Alien Dalvik, is meant to run alongside/on non-Android devices that already exist.

In addition to supporting Android apps, Alien Vue will also support HTML5 apps and access to the internet. Alien Vue also comes with an app store that can be branded by service providers, and supports additional plugins like Myriad Connect & Share and so on. Targeted at OEMs and service providers who want to take advantage of Android apps, yet maintain control over the whole user experience, Myriad Alien Vue seems like the way to go. Myriad will be demonstrating its technology at CES 2012. In the meantime, check out a video of it in action:

[Press Release]

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