Another exciting bit of gaming news for all you gamers out there. The first official trailer of Final Fantasy X HD remaster have been posted online. It had previously been confirmed that Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 are going to be released in North America. This official trailer, which is actually supposed to be shown to the public tomorrow, gives us a sneak peek at the upcoming titles.
Square Enix, the developers of Final Fantasy X HD, have yet to comment on the fact that German trailer has been posted online, and what are their plans now for other trailers. The trailer confirms one crucial question that gamers had in mind, both Final Fantasy X and X-2 will be sold seperately for the PS Vita. On the PS3 they’re sold together as a bundle, but not on the Vita. It obviously remains to be seen whether or not Sony’s Cross-Buy principle will apply here. Do have a look at the video and take a sneak peak of remastered Final Fantasy X HD, viewing it in the highest quality on YouTube is advised.
Filed in PS Vita.
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