Coffee With Tim Cook Auction Ends At $610,000

575434_10151618594702037_456099176_nHow much would you be willing to pay to have a cup of coffee with the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world? Well we’re sure many would be willing to pay to have such an experience, but is $610,000 a little too much? The reason we ask is because that is the price that someone was willing to pay in order to have a cup of coffee with the current CEO of Apple, Tim Cook. The auction was set up for charity in support of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, with the initial goal set at $50,000, but the auction has since closed at a staggering $610,000.

The winner of the auction remains anonymous and will be entitled to a one hour coffee date with Tim Cook at a time and date that both parties have agreed upon. The winner is also allowed to bring one guest and the time will be capped at 1 hour, indicating that this will indeed be one of the most expensive coffee dates to date, and they will also have to pay for their own travel and accommodation if they are travelling in from another state or country.

It has been stated in the past that apart from Apple fans who probably did bid for the opportunity, other possible bidders include startup companies who want to pitch their business, product, invention and etc. to Tim Cook, but we’re wondering if they had half a million dollars to spare, couldn’t they find a better use for it rather than gamble on the off-chance that Cook will accept their proposal? Oh well.

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