SF FASHTECH presents the return of the hugely successful interactive showcase STUDIO64. Join us as we explore the future of fashion, lifestyle and technology with some of the Bay Area’s leading startups at Temple Nightclub on Wednesday, May 15, 2013.
Ubergizmo readers get 20% off the registration fee with code UBERGIZMOS64
STUDIO64 is an Interactive Startup Event where attendees will experience the intersection of fashion, lifestyle, and wearable technology revolutionizing the fashion and lifestyle industries augmented reality, mobile commerce, video, wearable tech, and more.STUDIO64 is the premier interactive event to explore new technologies that are impacting the way we live in fashion and lifestyle. The Bay Area is home to great innovation in from fashion to lifestyle, through ecommerce, mobile apps, wearable technology, and more. We created STUDIO64 to showcase these leading technologies and companies in an engaging format, but also to create the ultimate networking experience by bringing together the entire community in the event to meet others with the same passion and interests.
The Gold Sponsors for the event include POPSUGAR & 24Seven. Community Partners include Designers & Geeks, iFabbo, Mobile Monday, and Ubergizmo. Participating companies include Boutiika, CakeStyle, Erogear Minna, Perfect Sunday, Sensoree, Stylend, Sylvia Heisel, with more to be announced. The night’s activities will include special activities including a wearable tech fashion, 3D printing, and more.
Tickets are available through SFFASHTECH Event page http://sfftstudio64sf2012.eventbrite.com until sold out. Each purchased tickets comes with a drink ticket and bites are included in admission. Tickets are $25 for general admission online and $30 at the door. Use the Ubergizmo Discount code for 20% off! – code: UBERGIZMOS64

When: May 15, 2013, 5-9PM
Where: Temple Nightclub, 540 Howard Street (http://goo.gl/maps/MMaiy)
For more details, please visit our website: www.sffashtech.com
Filed in Event, Fashion, Tech and Tech Conference.
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