blizz-outcastsEvery year Blizzard comes up with an April Fools’ prank that sometimes just feels pretty believable, although in this case we guess it’s pretty obvious that it is just a joke. Dubbed Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished, Blizzard has created a hilarious arcade style fighting game featuring, well, the outcasts from their franchises.

In some cases the outcasts are merely the bad guys from Blizzard’s various games, and in some cases they’re just simply NPCs who have had an impact on gamers but not necessarily in a positive way.

For example some of the characters in the game include Deckard Cain and Mira Eamon from the Diablo franchise, Olgra, Mankrik’s wife from World of Warcraft (Horde players are probably familiar with the questline), Wirt from Diablo who can be seen wielding what is presumably his missing foot as a weapon, and so on.

According to Blizzard’s description, “We are proud to announce our latest project, Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished, a fighting game for a new generation. Assume the mantle of our game universes’ most infamous antiheroes, bring the pain to your enemies with insanely powerful special moves, and show the world which Outcast reigns supreme!”

Once again we’d like to mention that this is merely an April Fools’ prank on Blizzard’s part, but if you’d like to check out the game and see some potential screenshots, hit up Blizzard Outcasts’ website for the details!

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