When it comes to gaming, the higher the FPS the smoother the game tends to be. Of course some gamers don’t mind it when their games run at low FPS rates, while there are those who want at least an FPS of at least 60 before they even consider it.

Of course the type of game matters as well. In a slower-placed game, lower FPS isn’t as important compared to twitch gaming like FPS or RTS where a lot of movements and reactions are needed. That being said, it seems that the upcoming Mario Kart 8 has been reported to run at 30dfps when playing in split screen mode.

The game, as per its predecessors, can be played locally with as many as 4 players. The screen will be split to accommodate the players but it seems that during a play test, the game has been found to run at around 30fps. However according to Videogamer who tested the game, there wasn’t any noticeable lag in control, although visually it was described as a mess.

However the upside is that when it comes to single player and 2-player games, the game is noticeably smoother at 60fps, but either way this is something gamers should take note of if they were planning on getting the game for house parties and whatnot.

Mario Kart 8 is expected to see a release on the Wii U on the 30th of May, and in the meantime you can check out the new features in a recently released trailer in the video above.

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