If you absolutely must have your PlayStation 4 with you wherever you go then you should take a look at the PlayBook 4. It is a third party solution which makes your PS4 portable, but keep in mind that the contraption itself has considerable weight, so it doesn’t fall in the ambit of a handheld gaming device.
The PlayStation 4 needs a television to which it can be hooked up to. Obviously you can’t carry a TV around so the PlayBook 4 makes do with a 22-inch full HD 1080p display. The console is fixed inside a 3D printed plastic case which is available in both black and white colors.
You will require a power source though since there are no batteries in the PlayBook 4, but once you’ve got that, nothing will stand between you and an epic gaming session. The PlayBook 4 has been created by Ed Zarick. Now if that name sounds familiar don’t be surprised. He has already done this with the Xbox One, the portable version of that console is called the Xbook One.
The luxury of having a portable PlayStation 4 does come at a price. PlayBook 4 costs $1395 and if you want an HDMI out you will have to pay an additional $50. Shipping within the U.S. costs another $50. If you have a PS4 lying around send it to Zarick and get the PlayBook 4 for just $1095.
Filed in PlayStation and PlayStation 4.
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