It was confirmed by Telltale Games late last year that it is working on an episodic video game adaptation of Game of Thrones, which most of us know as the very popular HBO TV series. Since this series has a massive fan following it wouldn’t surprise anyone to see fans waiting for this game to drop. Well, its time to get excited. Telltale Games has said that the first episode of this video game will premiere “soon.”
Telltale Games has a lot of experience with episodic video game adaptations. It is the studio behind The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead games, both of which have been well received.
Today Telltale Games tweeted that the first episode of Game of Throne’s adaptation, titled Iron from Ice, will be “premiering soon.” This is the first of six episodes which will be released over time. The studio has not revealed any details about the game or the storyline and it hasn’t even shown a screenshot so we don’t even have an idea of what the graphics look like.
A previous hint from Telltale Games emphasised about the importance of House Forrester in this title which is pretty much all we know about the storyline at this point in time.
The studio is a bit vague about the release date so we’ll have to wait and see how soon “premiering soon” actually is.
Filed in Game Of Thrones.
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