Batman: Arkham Knight’s PC Issues Were Known For Months

batman-arkham-knight-1Batman: Arkham Knight showed a lot of promise in terms of storyline, gameplay, and graphics. While gamers on the console are no doubt enjoying the game as we speak, the same cannot be said for a good many PC gamers who found a ton of issue with the game, so much so that the publisher Warner Bros. had to suspend sales until the problems could be fixed.

However the question everyone’s asking is how could a game that was so obviously riddled with bugs be allowed to be released in the first place? Surely there must have been some QCs done along the way, right? Well as it turns out, Warner Bros. had known about the issue for months but still decided to push ahead with its release anyway.

This is according to a report from Kotaku who cites a source who informed them about this. According to the source who worked as a QA tester on the game, “I will say that it’s pretty rich for WB to act like they had no idea the game was in such a horrible state. It’s been like this for months and all the problems we see now were the exact same, unchanged, almost a year ago.”

Additional sources also revealed to Kotaku that the reason the game was shipped despite the flaws wasn’t so much that Warner Bros. was trying to screw over its customers or make a quick buck, but rather because the publisher felt that it was good enough, which based on the aftermath is clearly not. In the meantime the developers have been hard at working ironing out some of the issues but it could be a while before we see things start to normalize.

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