YouTube Creators Now Stand A Chance Of Winning An Emmy

pewdiepieThe Emmys are an award that is given out every year to select television shows or TV actors who might have done things to deserve an award. However given the digital age, it isn’t surprising that more teens and kids these days turn to YouTube for entertainment versus the television.

Now the good news is that if there are particular YouTube channels or performers that you think deserve an award, you will be pleased to learn that the Television Academy has recently announced (via Engadget) that internet videos like those on YouTube will be eligible for an Emmy if they have been chosen.

The Academy has announced a new expanded category for short form series, which according to them “are defined as series with a minimum of six episodes running an average of 15 minutes or less per episode, exhibited over-the-air and/or via cable, satellite or internet.” That being said, internet videos have been awarded in the past through awards like the Webbys.

However the Emmys is a much more established awards program and adds a sense of legitimacy to YouTube videos, which were already pretty legitimate considering how much some YouTubers like PewDiePie make a year. The upside to this is that YouTube creators who are hoping to make a bigger mark will be stepping up their game, so here’s hoping your favorite channel will start producing higher quality content.

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