According to a recent post in the Overwatch forums, Blizzard announced their plans to deal with Overwatch cheaters and just how harsh of a punishment these cheaters are getting, which comes in the form of a permanent ban. It does not sound like there will be warnings given and that anyone caught cheating (or using hacks, bots, or other illegal software) will be permanently banned from the game.
Blizzard writes, “We’ve always taken cheating in Blizzard games very seriously, and that stance is no different for Overwatch. “Play nice; play fair” is one of our core values as a company, and it’s something we’ve taken to heart not only when designing the game, but also as we’ve developed our plans to support it and our players after launch.”
As Blizzard points out, this is nothing new as the company has been known to issue bans to players who have been caught cheating/botting/exploiting bugs and etc., but just a heads up for those of you who are thinking you won’t get caught.
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