overwatch-dva-screenshot-001Gamers by now have probably heard about Blizzard releasing Summer Games Loot Boxes for Overwatch. There is also a new game mode, all of which are designed and themed around the 2016 Rio Olympics. If you liked the idea, you’ll be pleased to learn that Blizzard has plans for more such seasonal events.

In a post on the Overwatch forums, the game’s director Jeff Kaplan revealed that the Summer Games Loot Boxes isn’t just for the Olympics. He was quoted as saying, “Our Summer Games are on a yearly schedule — not a 4 year schedule. Our plan would be to have the items available again when the event recurs. Perhaps we add new content to it as well? We’re not sure yet… we’re seeing what works and what doesn’t.”

While the effort is appreciated, there are quite a few gamers who have expressed their frustration at the Loot Boxes, namely due to RNG as it means that they could purchase many Loot Boxes but not necessarily getting the item they want. This has also been addressed by Kaplan in the same forum post where he stated that players have the option of earning the Loot Boxes instead of just paying for them, and that because this is the first time they’re introducing such an event, there will be things that work and things that don’t.

Hopefully the feedback they have received from players will be taken into account for future events!

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