According to the post, “So for the past day or so my 6t’s battery has suddenly started draining from 80% extremely fast. If I had to guess I’d say my battery life was atleast halved all of a sudden and I’m not even putting it through heavy workloads or anything. I’ve put background restrictions on the biggest culprits and that hasn’t done anything. I updated the software to the latest version available to the T-Mobile verson and that didn’t do anything at all either.”
It is easy to dismiss this as a one time problem where only one user might have been affected, but the post has since been replied to by other OnePlus 6T users who are all chiming in that they too are affected by this issue. There is no word on what the problem could be and it is unclear if OnePlus is even aware about it, and unfortunately short of factory resetting the phone, there doesn’t appear to be a clear solution. Hopefully OnePlus will get wind of this if they haven’t already and look into it.
Filed in OnePlus and OnePlus 6T.
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