Google Has A New App That Can Decode Hieroglyphics

Communication comes in all forms. These days the written language is pretty much how we communicate with each other, but back in the day, people used images to communicate with each other. One of the more prolific methods that most might know of would be in the form of the Egyptian’s use of hieroglyphics.

Like with most languages, unless you speak the language, you wouldn’t understand what was being written. Google has Google Translate for that, and now the company has since launched a new tool called Fabricius that has the ability to decode hieroglyphics by using machine learning.

According to Google, “So far, experts had to dig manually through books upon books to translate and decipher the ancient language–a process that has remained virtually unchanged for over a century. Fabricius includes the first digital tool – that is also being released as open source to support further developments in the study of ancient languages – that decodes Egyptian hieroglyphs built on machine learning.”

The app will come with a couple of modes, such as the Learn mode that will give you a brief introduction on hieroglyphics, and there will also be a Play mode that will let users create their own messages using hieroglyphics, which Google notes isn’t necessarily accurate, but could be a fun way to send messages to friends. If you’re interested in checking it out, head on over to Google’s website for the details.

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