Articles about Robot (page 6)

Hector robot is not quite the companion you are looking for
Sharp and Gundam Front Tokyo work on Halo robot vacuums
Meshworm robot from MIT creeps along like an earthworm
Roto-a-Matic churns out self-designed toys
Prometheus robot makes short work of bombs
SDUST Baby robot
Robokind from Hanson Robotics paraded
X-RHex Lite robot has a tail which is not vestigial
Affetto infant robot is one terror inducing hugger
Water strider-like robot jumps on water
Mantabot travels through the seas without much effort
Botiful telepresence robot is extremely cute
Nao robot climbs a staircase autonomously
iRobot announces Remote Presence Virtual + Independent Telemedicine Assistant (RP-VITA)
Honda Asimo upgraded to new model
Robot helps disarm suspect's booby-trapped apartment
Swumanoid robot is the most advanced ever - for now
iRobot Packbot defuses bombs
Emily robot lifeguard finally saves lives
FACE robot crosses over uncanny valley many times over