Panasonic RISAIKURA MS-N53 Recycler

Panasonic targets the high end market with its RISAIKURA MS-N53 recycler device that relies on a special platinum-palladium catalyst in order to break down up to 2kg of organic garbage into compost with the help of the mentioned catalyst as well as some heat. The end result? Being able to use the compost on your garden, with Panasonic singing praises of it by touting the created compost to be of better quality compared to store-bought fertilizer. You will be able to choose from a few settings with the Panasonic RISAIKURA MS-N53 recycler, depending on which extent the garbage is dried out, ranging from three to six hours. The shorter option will result in compost with more protein, while a longer option is more suitable for long-term fertilization of trees. Expect to fork out around $881 for the Panasonic RISAIKURA MS-N53 recycler when it hits Japan later next month.

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