Orange Sound Charge T-shirt keeps your phone juiced at gigs

Orange Sound Charge

While a smartphone is an awesome device to have, one of its biggest drawbacks when compared to regular feature phones is its battery life. Many phones have trouble making it through a full day (sometimes even half the day when it is used a lot). Consumers are relying on using backup batteries or bringing chargers around just to make sure their devices stay juiced throughout the day.

On the other hand, companies and manufacturers are working on alternative ways to keep the devices charged i.e. through the use of solar power. Well the folks over at Orange have come up with a new way to charge your phone: with the power of sound. Orange created the Sound Charge shirt. A T-shirt that features a special piezoelectric film which converts sound waves into an electric charge that is stored in a battery which in turn is used to recharge your phone.

Designed to better with loud noises – the shirts will be tested during Glastonbury: an annual British performing arts festival that features music, dance, comedy, theater, circus, cabaret and many other arts. We’re pretty sure it’s going to work just as well in a club or the Warped Tour over this side of the world. Watch a demonstration video about how the Sound Charge T-shirt works:

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