Leica Lens holder

Do you suffer from unsteady hands especially when you’re taking photographs with your camera? It’s not a very good trait to have – unless you’re into creating artsy-looking blurry photographs. That’s one of the reasons why the tripod was invented but unfortunately, it’s not something that’s very practical to bring around with you at all times.

Leica’s latest lens holder seems to solve the problem while giving you a convenient location to hold a second pair of camera lenses. Designed for the Leica MP or M7 film cameras that has a tripod mount, the Leica lens holder lets you carry an extra lens around for your camera without you needing to lug around a bag for it. You attach it to the bottom of your Leica camera, and then secure your extra lens onto it – that’s about it.

In addition to letting you store your camera lens conveniently, it weighs the camera down and gives you an extra handle which improves your stabilization – just don’t forget to keep that lens cap on. The Leica lens holder is available now with prices ranging from $180 to $200+ online.

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