You know all the hullabaloo about radiation from the cell phone or smartphone which might end up frying your brains eventually? Well, scientists claim that the amount of radiation which is emitted is minimal, and you won’t grow another ear or a literal third eye over years of prolonged exposure to radiation from the handset. Well, for those who prefer to play it safe, here is an accessory that surely even Alexander Graham Bell would have approved of – after all, it merges both the old and the new, resulting in the iMobifone.

Just what makes the iMobifone so special compared to all the other accessories or kits in the market? For starters, this will be a corded solution, so you need not get unduly worried about Bluetooth waves frying more of your brain cells. Apart from that, the “handset” itself which you talk to resembles that of a classic landline phone, curled cord and all, which will be attached to your favorite smartphone. This allows you to hold a conversation while your phone is in your pocket, and you need not hold it up to your ear other than the iMobifone itself. How neat is that? Of course, chances are you are going to get laughed at in the process, but this is all in a day’s work of being the resident clown at the office, don’t you think so?

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