Microsoft to push HomeOS home-automation system

Microsoft could push home-automation into a reality: Microsoft has published a white paper highlighting how its own home-automation model will work. Dubbed as HomeOS, the home-automation system will be a PC-like abstraction for homes. Microsoft explained that HomeOS will feature electronic devices such as routers, PCs, consoles, smartphones, tablets, air conditioners and other gadgets. Sounds like an ideal home readers like yourself.

From Microsoft white-paper (the URL is now dead ), it is not clear if HomeOS is Windows-based or not. However, the fact that it uses C# and the .NET 4.0 framework would suggest that it is Windows-based. Also, Microsoft has been adamant about using a single source code since the retirement of Windows NT.

Technically, HomeOS will run on a gateway PC that is specifically built for home automation. So far the hardware specs have not been revealed. But we do know, based on Microsoft’s paper, that the HomeOS’s kernel is agnostic to the devices that it will use which means that integration of devices will be easy.

Unknown to many, Microsoft has already been testing HomeOS in 12 actual homes in the past eight months. Also, new applications and devices were recently added to improve the system. It is important to note that the main purpose of the HomeOS project is to simplify our already-complicated life. HomeOS is just one of Microsoft’s own research projects. Therefore, there’s no guarantee that it will be commercialized anytime soon.

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