The holiday weekend is fast approaching and shopping deals are gradually being announced. It will be the perfect time to get some shopping done as companies introduce special pricing for the holiday weekend, as well as what’s known as Cyber Monday. Motorola today announced its Cyber Monday 2013 deal. The company is going to shave off $150 on all off contract Moto X smartphones, including Developer Editions and Moto Maker variants. If you have been holding out on purchasing a new Moto X, this just might be the time to pull the trigger.
Carrier variants of Moto X purchased through Moto Maker usually cost $499, apply the discount Motorola’s offering and it comes down to just $349. The Developer Edition Moto X usually costs $549 and will be available for $399 on Cyber Monday. The company hasn’t said exactly how this promotion is going to work, but it does say that stocks of the Moto X are going to be limited. It is quite possible that the stock might sell out even before the end of the day, so if you’re really willing to pick one up on Cyber Monday, it would be best if you do so first thing that day, which falls on December 2nd, 2013. Mark your calendars!
Filed in Moto Maker, Moto X and Motorola.
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