Its easy to get flabbergasted by the sheer number of Android devices that are out there in the world, and its equally as impressive to see the success that CyanogenMod has achieved. The CM team makes the world’s most popular custom ROMs for a plethora of Android devices, they are loved by millions of users around the world. The official status page reveals that now more than 10 million Android devices around the world are powered by CyanogenMod custom ROMs, its good news for fans of the CM and Android customization community.
The 10 million figure represents the number of devices, not users, those with multiple devices running CyanogenMod ROMs are counted twice. Furthermore, devices that are not actively used are removed from the stats in 90 days. CM Jelly Bean ROMs are by far the most popular, with over 1.15 million users, Jelly Bean trails at second with 700,000. The most popular device is Samsung Galaxy S with more than half a million active users around the world. First Nexus device doesn’t come until the 8th spot on the list which is occupied by the Galaxy Nexus GSM. These figures are bound to go up soon, given the fact that the first Google CTS certified Oppo smartphone with CyanogenMod pre-installed is going to ship in the near future.
Filed in Android and CyanogenMod.
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