trillion-telescopeThe Hubble space telescope has done its fair bit for humanity over the years, managing to capture plenty of fantastic looking photos of far away systems and galaxies. Well, it is about time that it gets replaced, don’t you think so? The successor would most probably be the James Webb telescope, which is currently being constructed in Maryland at the Goddard Space Center. In fact, this new telescope has even been described to be the top priority over at NASA, where the Senate had already passed $658 million in funding for the project for this year alone. NASA astrophysicist Amber Straughn claims that the James Webb telescope is the world’s largest space telescope, where it will be pushed four times farther than the moon in order to pick up information about galaxies and stars.

The US might be the most powerful country on earth right now, but in terms of per capita income, it definitely is not the richest as there are other countries such as Singapore, the tiny city-state in South East Asia that has taken top spot. As to how President Obama is going to work out the bill to pay for this extremely powerful telescope remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure – it is going to cost the country a whole lot of money. To infinity and beyond!

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