psplus-2035How many gamers recall the good old days where games could be played without subscription to all sorts of online services? Remember the good old days where you could connect your Sega Game Gear and Nintendo Gameboys with cables and play local multiplayer? Those were the days indeed. In any case nowadays companies such as Sony and Microsoft have implemented online gaming services in which gamers will have to subscribe to in order to take advantage of it, such as Sony’s PS Plus. However thanks to a loophole, one particular PlayStation 4 owner has managed to create a subscription that is valid until the year 2035 without having to pay a single cent.

This stems from the 14-day trial offered by Sony for the PS Plus and due to an error/loophole, the anonymous gamer found that he was able to continuously spam the trial feature until he had accumulated years of free PS Plus service. According to the gamer, “Once you accept the deal, you are allowed to keep extending the 14 free days for free once prompted after confirmation of the free purchase. All you have to do is keep pressing X and you keep getting 14 free days added to your free subscription. The hundreds of email confirmations from Sony all say $0.00″ Sony has yet to comment on the matter and it will be interesting to see if they will honor the gamer’s PS Plus subscription or cancel it entirely.

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