Its safe to say that HBO’s Game of Thrones is a very popular TV show. When the season premiere made its debut earlier this week it caused HBO Go to crash because there was simply too much traffic on the servers. A large number of users also resort to not so legal methods of watching the popular show. Last year Game of Thrones season finale set a new torrent swarm record when 171,572 people shared it on a single tracker. Game of Thrones torrents once again break all piracy records, even the ones set by itself.
During the first day 1.5 million people around the world downloaded the second episode of the show. The latest episode broke record for most people sharing a file at a given time period through BitTorrent, also known as torrent swarm. A couple of hours after the second episode appeared online, the Demonii tracker reported that more 192,418 people were sharing the torrent. 145,594 continued to upload even after downloading a complete copy while 47,824 were still downloading.
TorrentFreak calls these numbers “unprecedented.” The show’s second episode not only managed to upstage its own season three finale, but also the season four premiere which had “only” 140,000 people sharing the most active torrent. Though it might not have anything to do with interest as downloads were spread across different torrents in those cases.
Filed in Game Of Thrones, Hbo and Torrents.
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