Galaxy S5 owners on Verizon are finally receiving the much awaited Lollipop update today. The carrier had released this update previously for the Galaxy S5 but due to some issues the roll out had to be stopped. Nearly two months after that Verizon has now once again released Android 5.0 Lollipop for the Galaxy S5.
It was reported a few weeks back that Verizon had started rolling out Lollipop for its Galaxy S5 owners. It was later found out that the carrier pulled software version G900VVRU1BNLC due to some issues. Galaxy S5 owners on Big Red have been waiting for the update since then.
Today they get another shot at it. Verizon has released Lollipop software version G900VVRU1BOA4 for the Galaxy S5. The update is rolling out over-the-air and should go live soon enough across all regions.
As many of you know the Lollipop update brings several user interface tweaks, as well as new features and overall system enhancements.
It’s going to be a hefty update so remember to hook up to a good Wi-Fi network before downloading the update. You should also have ample charge in the battery to ensure that the device does not die on you while the update is being installed.
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