Last year professional skater Tony Hawk confirmed that he is working with Activision on a new game that will be released in 2015 for consoles and mobile devices. Up till now no major details about the new game have been revealed, we don’t even know what it’s called. A social media slip up from a chef catering a brand summit for Tony Hawk might have revealed the moniker. Is the next pro skater game simply going to be called Tony Hawk 5?
Let’s go back a little bit. This all started when Chef Joe Youkhan posted a photo on his Instagram and Facebook account from a brand summit that he’s catering. He might have meant to show off the awesome setting for the dinner guests but perhaps ended up giving a peak at something that was probably not supposed to be revealed.
You can see in the image that there’s a presentation screen in the background with Tony Hawk 5 plastered across it, apparently there’s a video game console somewhere in there as well. The images were quickly taken down, but hey, it’s the internet, nothing can truly be taken down.
Going by all this one would assume that the next pro skater game will simply be called Tony Hawk 5, but according to a spokesperson for Activision who spoke with Polygon, Tony Hawk 5 is just a “working title” for the next game. The final title has not yet been announced.
Filed in Activision and Tony Hawk.
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