OnePlus has maintained that the invite system it employs for selling its handsets has proven to be crucial for the company in scaling its operations, however the people who were willing to spend money on its handsets were less happy about it. They had to wait for an invite before they were able to purchase a OnePlus handset, but fortunately just in time for the holidays, the company has confirmed that its existing flagship the OnePlus 2 will go permanently invite-free starting December 5th.
Simply put it means that nobody will be first required to receive an invite if they want to purchase a OnePlus 2 handset, it has intelligently made this decision around the holidays, a time when sales of devices like smartphones pick up.
While it’s not being as generous with the newer OnePlus X handset, the company has said that it will make the OnePlus X invite-free all day between December 5th and December 7th, so if you’re looking to pick up this handset better not miss your chance during these couple of days.
OnePlus is also going to be offering deals on accessories between December 5-7, the StyleSwap covers for OnePlus 2 will be 50% off, accessories for the OnePlus One will be 90% off and all other accessories will get a 10% discount.
The company promises that OnePlus devices and accessories ordered by December 7th will be received by customers in time for the holidays.
Filed in OnePlus, OnePlus 2 and Oneplus X. Source: forums.oneplus.net
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