You should always be careful when clicking links on the internet, it doesn’t take long to find yourself in a situation where your personal information can be potentially at risk, however, you should be particularly careful about clicking on links today as there’s one doing the rounds on social media that’s crashing smartphones. Just clicking on the link will cause anybody’s phone to crash, so it’s best to be prepared.
The link is simple and self explanatory, crashsafari.com, and it performs as advertised. Clicking on this link will cause Safari to crash, and also Google Chrome, it achieves this result by writing countless characters in the address bar every second ultimately exhausting memory and causing the browser to crash.
It’s just four lines of code and it’s working on both Android smartphones and the iPhone, not only can it crash Safari and Chrome, it can even cause the smartphone to reboot. Some have found that it’s working on desktop computers as well but it depends on how much RAM and CPU the computer has free.
On its own this link isn’t really malicious, it doesn’t steal any user information or pumps in malware, it just crashes the device and the browser. Annoying is what it really is, so you best keep an eye out since people are circulating this link through social media by disguising it with a short URL. You’ve been warned.
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