If you might recall, the Nexus 6P was also facing bootloop problems last year and now it looks like law firm Chimicles & Tikellis LLP (C&T) is considering filing a class-action lawsuit against Google (via Android Police). The lawsuit is also expected to cover a premature battery shutdown problem that some consumers are reporting.
Once again it seems that the issue customers are having aren’t so much with the actual hardware/software problems of the phone, but rather the passing of the buck which neither Google nor Huawei appear to be interested in accepting responsibility for. The law firm writes, “Consumers report that Google tells consumers to seek warranty coverage from Huawei for this issue, too, and that Huawei is largely unhelpful and often stonewalls attempts to obtain warranty coverage.”
Nothing has been filed yet and for all we know, it may never be filed, but it seems that trouble is brewing.
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