Microsoft Adds Artificial Intelligence Features To Bing

Microsoft has announced that it’s adding new intelligent search features to Bing that are powered by artificial intelligence. The features are designed to give users answers faster, provide them more comprehensive and complete information, and enable them to interact with the search engine more naturally.

Intelligent Answers is one of the new search features that Microsoft has added to Bing. The feature leverages machine reading comprehension to read and analyze countless documents to understand the web and surface answers more quickly and confidently.

Bing will use deep neural networks to validate answers by pulling information from multiple reputable sources instead of just one. This means that users can be more confident about the answers that they get.

If there are different authoritative perspectives on a single tap, Bing will aggregate the two different positions from reputable sources and surface them to the user intelligently on the top of the page.

Bing’s comparison answers are now being expanded beyond just products. It can now list the key differences between two items or topics such as the differences between pilates vs yoga in a simple table.

Additional improvements have also been made to image search and conversational queries on Bing. All of these features are now live for Bing users.

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