In a bid to try and introduce some digital wellness to its app, Instagram rolled out a feature last month which would tell users when they’ve reached the end of their feed, informing them that they’ve been caught up with all the latest posts. The idea is that it would try to get users to spend less time on the app to prevent addiction.

Ironically enough it seems that Instagram has decided to circumvent their own feature with a new feature in the form of recommended posts. Recommended posts aren’t new, but what Instagram is now doing is testing out introducing these recommended posts at the end of your feed, meaning that once you’ve reached the end of the latest updates from people you follow, Instagram will introduce new posts that it thinks you might be interested in.

According to Instagram, “Our goal is to make Feed the best place to share and connect with the people and interests that matter most to you. Now with recommended posts, you can see even more of what’s being shared by our community.” Like we said, it is admittedly rather ironic since the point of the whole “You’re all caught up” feature is to get users off its app, but for those who don’t really care too much about it, we suppose this could be a useful way to find new posts.

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