During BlizzCon 2018, Blizzard launched a brand new animated short for its Overwatch franchise. Dubbed “Reunion”, this seems to be a short focused around McCree, one of Overwatch’s original heroes, and also Ashe, who is one of the new playable heroes that Blizzard announced that would be coming to the game.

Based on this animated short, it seems that both McCree and Ashe seem to know each other and they might even have been friends at one point (although the short does seem to hint at romantic overtones between the characters). They’re both of the gunslinger variety so it does make it a rather fun short to watch, which in a way also serves as an introductory video of sorts for Ashe and B.O.B, her butler/bodyguard companion.

While the title of the short is called “Reunion”, we’re not sure if it necessarily means a reunion between McCree and Ashe. At the end of the short, it reveals a robotic character whom McCree refers to as “partner”, so it could be referring to that as well. It is unclear as to who the new character is and whether or not she will end up being a playable character in the future.

In any case if Overwatch lore is something you’re interested in, then perhaps you might want to set aside a few minutes to check out the latest animated short in the video above.

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