During Google I/O 2018 earlier this year, one of the new features Google announced was a call screening feature. What this did was that it allowed Google Assistant to screen your calls for you when you receive a call from an unknown number, so it will ask the caller to state their reason and will transcribe that reason into text.

This will save users time and awkwardness from having to answer calls from telemarketers and then struggle to hang up. The good news is that if this was a feature that you’ve been looking forward to, it seems that Pixel device owners are now reporting that the feature is now rolling out for their devices.

It is unclear how widespread the rollout is as some claim that they have received it, while others are claiming that they haven’t, but given that rollouts tend to be done in phases/stages, we suppose it’s only a matter of time before all Pixel device users should get it. For those who have the feature and are trying to figure out where the transcripts are, head on over to your Recent Calls, tap on a call and select “Call Details”.

From there there should be an option to “See Transcript” in which you will see the conversation that the person had with Google Assistant.

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