Artificial intelligence is good at a lot of things, and as it turns out now, it’s also good at generating an endless stream of fake faces. It doesn’t come news that AI can be used to generate fake visuals. This has been done for quite some time now and nothing informs us more of that ability than

The aforementioned website was created by Philip Wang who is a software engineer at Uber. It relies on research that NVIDIA released last year to continuously generate images of people that do not exist.

The underlying algorithm is able to do that as it has been trained on a massive dataset of real images. It uses a neural network that’s better known as a generative adversarial network to generate new examples on its own.

Wang mentioned in a Facebook post that each time a user refreshes the site, the neural network will generate a new facial image from scratch. “Most people do not understand how good AIs will be at synthesizing images in the future,” he added.

Many will take a moment to pause and reflect on AI’s ability to generate compelling visual fakes at such an alarming speed. This website merely shows just how good at it has become at doing this.

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