Whenever you travel to another country or you fly back home, your bags are searched to make sure that you do not bring in anything illegal into the country. Sometimes people get lucky and manage to sneak in an item that they’re not supposed to, while other times they get caught, although in this particular instance, we have to wonder how that person planned on getting away with it.

During your typical TSA screening that took place at the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, a man was caught trying to smuggle a military missile launcher into the country. He was flagged by the TSA who then notified the airport police who managed to track him down and detained him for questioning.

According to the man, he claims to have been traveling home from US military duty while stationed in Kuwait, where he picked up the missile launcher and thought to bring it home where he was hoping to keep it as a souvenir. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to do that and the item was confiscated and turned over to the Maryland fire marshal for disposal. According to the TSA, they claimed that the device was not live. The man was later released and allowed to continue on his journey home.

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