Unfortunately, sometimes the ads chosen by developers and publishers can be annoying and disruptive, ultimately affecting the overall user experience, and as such, Google has since announced that they have removed about 600 apps from the Play Store that have been found to contain what Google claims are “disruptive ads”.
According to Google, “We define disruptive ads as ads that are displayed to users in unexpected ways, including impairing or interfering with the usability of device functions. While they can occur in-app, one form of disruptive ads we’ve seen on the rise is something we call out-of-context ads, which is when malicious developers serve ads on a mobile device when the user is not actually active in their app.”
Google also adds, “We recently developed an innovative machine-learning based approach to detect when apps show out-of-context ads, which led to the enforcement we’re announcing today.”
Filed in Android, Apps and Google. Source: security.googleblog
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