There is a reason why cooling in our computers is so important. This is because our CPUs and GPUs can run really hot when under intense processing loads, and if temperatures aren’t kept in check, they can get damaged or stop performing optimally. However, in a video uploaded onto YouTube, it seems that someone has figured out a way to leverage an overheating CPU.

In the video above, it shows how the person in the video decided to try and cook Japanese curry in a small pot placed on top of an AMD CPU. The pot is too small to cook a portion meant for humans, but it does seem to do a good job at cooking a small portion with some pretty impressive and delicious-looking results.

The video also shows how quickly a CPU can get hot, where shortly after placing the pot on the CPU, the person in the video was able to quickly melt a small piece of butter, before onions were fried off and water and carrots were boiled, with the end result being a plate of Japanese curry.

Now, we’re not sure if this is entirely feasible since we haven’t tried it for ourselves, and obviously it’s probably the least efficient way of cooking. However, regardless of how feasible it is, it still makes for a very entertaining video.

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