Details about an upcoming Dell high-end smartphone called Dell Thunder have just leaked @ engadget. The Thunder is an Android phone with a 4.1″ 800×480 pixels display and a talent for Social Networks – at least, that’s the idea. Dell is targeting an audience of “Creative Explorers/Affluent Professionals”, you know the kind of folks in search of a “Status Symbol” – word used in Dell’s marketing materials. Now a few things have caught our attention: “curved glass” is one. Is that referring to the screen? The marketing pitch also mentions “create and edit” high-quality content. Yeah… we’re skeptical that “high-quality” digital content can be worked on efficiently from a 4.1″ display using a finger. In the good news, Swype (a cool virtual keyboard) is integrated in there and the phone will connect on the HSPDA (7.2Mbps) 3.5 network. The phone will be connected and synchronized with the cloud in permanence. That means infinite storage and reliable backups. But my favorite part is the integrated Hulu App! So… excited? Specifications in the full post.
4.1″ OLED WVGA display 8MP camera Hulu pre-installed Active Sync email sync (hum… does this mean full Exchange support?) 7.2Mbps HSPDA 3.5G WIFI
Filed in Android, Dell, Leaked and Smartphones.
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