Creative wants a piece of the tablet market pie, and hence has come up with a couple of models to suit the masses’ tastes. We’re thinking that 7-inch and 10-inch models are the sweet spots where sizes are concerned, although we know that Apple prefers to lean on the latter. Creative’s offerings will come in the form of the Ziio 7 and Ziio 10, where their display sizes are indicated by the number behind, bringnig together Creative’s expertise in the world of audio by merging X-Fi audio processing with the use of apt-X’s new audio codec.
This lets one enjoy high-quality audio over Bluetooth with reduced lag, making them more suitable companions for wireless headphones and speakers. The 7-inch display is a high-color touchscreen at 800 x 480 resolution, while the 10-inch display sports a low-color, 1024 x 600 screen. Other details include a front-facing camera and an HDMI out port, letting you take full advantage of the integrated Zii ZMS-08 chip to decode 1080p video if the need arises. Expect the 8GB versions of the Ziio slates to arrive for $279 and $333, respectively. 16GB models are in the works as well, and we do hope that the Android 2.2 operating system update will be made available in due time as well since Android 2.1 is rather outdated by now.
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