Like its position with apps on the iOS/iPhone App Store, Apple is telling developers that its app store for the Mac–called the Mac App Store–will not accept demo or trial software. The company is advising developers who wish to make demos available to consumers to try before they buy to place betas, demos, and trials on their own website.
Your website is the best place to provide demos, trial versions, or betas of your software for customers to explore. The apps you submit to be reviewed for the Mac App Store should be fully functional, retail versions of your app.
Fortunately though, unlike the highly curated environment of iOS, consumers who are displeased with the Mac App Store policies can find software elsewhere and shop at other venue to load programs onto their OS X system, including via retail CD and DVD, programs sold on USB drives, and direct downloads from other store fronts or developers on the Web.
Filed in App Store, Apple Inc, Mac App Store and OS X.
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