The Kno dual-screen tablet that was supposed to ship months ago will finally be making its way into the hands of eager customers. According to some reports, pre-order customers have been receiving calls to let them know that the tablet will be arriving within the next 60 days. It has also been stated that pre-order customers who didn’t get a phone call won’t be getting their tablets within the 60 day period. In case you didn’t know, the Kno is a tablet that features two 14″ screens and is meant to replace paper textbooks in the future (after all, who wouldn’t want to carry a tablet around with them instead of lugging 3 textbooks to college everyday right?). But with a website that doesn’t provide many details about the device or whether there will be textbooks available at launch, it sure seems pretty shady at the moment. Vaporware or a con job? Perhaps. Let’s just wait and see if anybody manages to get their hands on the dual-screen tablet by April.
Filed in Dual-screen, Kno, Pre Order, Shipping and Tablet.
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