Disney has recently come up with a new form of interaction involving the use of pico projectors. Dubbed MotionBeam, users utilize a motion sensor unit, a handheld projector and an iPod Touch (all combined into one device) to project visuals on walls and control characters at the same time. Players point the device at a wall or flat surface and project the game world as well as their character onto it. They then move the control device in their hands, in order to make their characters move accordingly. If you can’t picture it – think of the Nintendo Wii motion controls combined with a projector.
While this technology is very exciting, it looks pretty costly at the moment and it’s going to take awhile before it’s brought down to consumer-friendly prices. However, this new method of gaming is pretty exciting, and it shows us that there’s still so much gaming space left untapped in this world. It’s amazing what people can come up with these days. Hit the break to watch a video demonstration of MotionBeam in action:
Filed in Disney and Projectors.
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