If you were to reside in a war torn country, or perhaps one that has a very high probability of an incoming attack happening at any time of the day, then it makes perfect sense for the government in power to be able to do its part in protecting their citizens. As everyone should know by now, Israel is a major sore point in the world of global politics, and it has been many a target of other countries that are bent in annihilating it. The Israeli Home Front Command has started an experiment throughout the country last week that will see it send mock text messages to cellphones and smartphones in the event of an incoming missile attack. This particular experiment recently ended.

Known as “Personal Message,” it is a project in the making for several years already, where it delivers area-specific warnings that are based on the projection of an incoming trajectory of a rocket or missile. The test saw the participating public receive a message that says, “The Home Front Command, checking cellular alert system,” with a number following it. These messages will be sent in Hebrew, Arabic, English and Russian. Do you think this is more effective than an air raid siren? I think it would be best to use all avenues at once just in case there is an actual attack somewhere.

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