Apple recently rolled out the iOS 6 update with a whole host of new features for the iOS users. For instance, iOS 6 replaces Google Maps with Apple’s own Maps and contains a far more improved Siri. Also, it has improved on social media integration by including Facebook in the fold.
Among the new features was also an all new look for the Clock app for iPad. The app now shows off a sleek, new clock design which looks pretty cool. However, it seems that the design didn’t exactly originate with Apple. In fact, the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) has alleged that it originally owns the rights to this design and that Apple didn’t seek permission to use it.
The clock, it has been told, was designed by Hans Hilfiker, as far back as 1944. Hilfiker was an employee at SBB and his design has since become somewhat of an icon in Switzerland. Nearly all Swiss railway stations have clocks designed along the same lines.
SBB has now stated that it is the sole owner of this design and that Apple didn’t have any rights to use it. It is planning to launch a legal action over it, possibly seeking financial compensation for the whole thing.
Filed in Ios 6.
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