Google is the most used search engine on the internet. For its plethora of users, speed is no doubt a necessity. Google prides itself on delivering quality results in a fraction of a section. It a bid to make their service more fast, Google today rolled out a couple of tweaks that would reduce the time users spending on searches conducted through their mobile.
In this update Google has rolled out expandable sitelinks, which are very effective in making the search experience faster. Users don’t have to spend time through dozens of pages of a website in order to find what they’re looking for. Expandable sitelinks allow users to quickly get access to the page they were searching for. This feature has been available in the desktop version for quite a while, now it has finally been brought over the mobile site. On some searches Google will also show a blue Quick view badge next to the results. Quick view will offer bits and pieces of information that is relevant to the search query. For now Quick view is only available for English language searches, but the internet search giant will be adding additional languages soon.
Filed in Google, Google Search and Mobile.
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